1) Destiny Rider (stubborn and runner) 2) Coolbeans777 (stubborn) 3) fansig/plato (NOOOOB!! lol)
4) Sonashi (Noob) 5) FatalRider (Noob) 6) Girlsbaboon (meh)
7)CRimsonTrix (runner) 8) etherrenabeta (runner) 9) killshow (jus lame)
10) Arcangel (ASSHOLE!!!) 11) Nappiboi (Sore Loser) 12) Jerrard (Noob and Disrespectful)
13) Mattquit (Sore loser)| 14) dcman (rager) [dueled by pofo] 15) kuribig (E-hero Pussy Liar!) [dueled by seon] 14) Perez (Sore loser and annoying) 15) Jayko (sore loser & bad sportsmanship) 16)I-Haou-I (bad duelist/a-hole) 17) JeanChaos (attempts to cheat then rage quits) 18) Firebolt (rage quitter that doesn't understand remove from play) 18) _Betty (says random insults, rage quits) 19) arcanit3_magician (stubborn noob!) 20)DarkBR(rage quits, doesn't understand basic gameplay) 21)shadychaosblack(mill deck 'nuff said)
22) bjcat (rage quits) 23) silcendice (prick) 24) thejoey333 (rude, rage quits) 25)Fahir (sucky burn deck sore loser)rrenabeta (runner) 26)silcendice (runner boi) 27)thatguys$ (Sprinter) 28) davidmicov1 (sore loser, used banned cards, has no idea what the rfg zone is) 29) fabledone (sore loser) 30) Drama (worst kind of player out there lost completely then calls me a noob >.< ) 31) danyoo (doesn't understand that you CAN negate raiza's effect with fiendish chain, sore loser) 32) Obnoxious Celtic Guard(nothing much) 33) Lusterxd(rage quitter) 34) Xgamers(Does not read his card effects 'nuff said) 35) smokethecheeba (rage quit) 36)pitera (rage quits) 37) siamesdiego (generic deck, sucks) 38) darkshark (pathetic, boring play style overral just a bad dude) 38) Sadrazam (classic noob) 39)Superherserver (NORMAL summoned Horus L8 on 1st turn -_-40) SKy_Captain (50 card deck and summons level 5 monsters without tribute..) 41)jusner300 rage quit 42) famouseyez(doesn't know game basics) 42)Kennyong21 (rage quitter) 43) Mirrorshroud(my god does NOT read cards, then bitches about me pointing that out) 44) woah-vicious (rage quitter who simply does not understand how to play this game.) 45) fearzzshot (rage quitter) 46) elderdragonlove(Noob exodia deck that rage quits when he's losing) 47)John19D (rude a hole, who sucks at the game as well..) 48)skwok (rage quitter) 49) Destinyend(copied my deck i beat him.. what an a hole.. not cool at all) 50) Artie10(insulting noob.. plays simple loses fast all while pitching lame insults) 51. novakyo (a king of stupidity amid a kingdom idiots, doesn't understand the difference, between cost,effect,send,discard, discarding to grave,) 52)Davikleinharas (rage quit after a misplay) 53) snakedl (tried to change the monster he flip summoned that same turn into defence.. even after i explained why thats not possible.. he does it then leaves when i don't give in to his idiocy) 54) Fatedman(literally pretended he had to go eat as soon as he was starting to lose the avantage) 55)ZeroDuelist(rage quit) 56)Projohnson(cheating weasel will try anything to prove his point even if he was wrong and sucks as a duelist as well)